Rom 7

Heavenly Father, I ask that we will not be daunted by the wrestle that we have with sin. Sin, although defeated, damned and done away with in Christ, still seems to have some afterglow in our flesh, and at times seems more like a mortally wounded beast. Cornered by the good law of God in… Read more Rom 7


Our good Father, please feed us your word. How impoverished we become when we look to our own devices to nourish our hearts. What styrofoam substitutes they are, promising much but providing nothing! May we see them for what they are and put them where they belong. May we satisfy our souls with the riches… Read more Nourishment

Your power to save

Gracious Lord, so often we doubt your power. Though we know your mighty works of salvation we are slow to trust you. Help us to recount the ways that you have reshaped us through your Spirit, whether monumental or gradual. Remind us through your word of the great gospel declarations: “It is finished;” “He has… Read more Your power to save

Ps 119: Lamedh

Lord, we trust your word. It is as sure as the sky above our heads and as firm as the earth beneath our feet. You spoke and they were set solidly in place. We put our trust in you, like generations before us, knowing that you have been faithful from the beginning. May we delight… Read more Ps 119: Lamedh

Sharing in Easter

Father, we rejoice that we more than remember the events of Easter but that we share in them through Christ. When Christ died, so did our sin; when he rose, we rose justified and pure and with life everlasting. Thank you for the opportunity for our family to hear your word preached at the Keswick… Read more Sharing in Easter

Col 2:9-10

Lord, help us as a group to see the magnificence of Christ, that in him all the fullness of deity dwells bodily. Help us to marvel at the fact that we also are filled in him who is is the head of every authority and rule. He is the king of infinite glory, God himself,… Read more Col 2:9-10

Students in PNG

Father, thank you for the faith of the students in PNG. Thank you that the word of truth, the gospel, has come to them. Please strengthen it in them and cause it to bear fruit. Thank you for the way you have helped some students to rejoice even in very trying circumstances at uni. We… Read more Students in PNG

Rom 6:5-14

Father, thank you that we have been united with Christ. Our old person was crucified with Christ at the cross and was raised to life again in his resurrection. The old heart of sin that once seeped out all manner of festering thoughts and actions has been incinerated and now we have the wellspring of… Read more Rom 6:5-14