Travel to NTE

Heavenly Father, as we travel to NTE please fill our hearts and minds with you. Please help us to get to Canberra safely but also ready to listen to your word. May the time in transit give us moments to reflect, pray and prepare. Lord we want you to transform us by the gospel and… Read more Travel to NTE

End of semester

Heavenly Father thank you for the semester that had been and the students that you have brought along to our group. Thank you for that opportunities that we have had to hear your word and to encourage each other in the gospel. Please grow our fellowship even as semester draws to a close, keep us… Read more End of semester

Exam time

Heavenly Father, please help our students to rejoice in your grace to them through out this exam period. Thank you that you are above all things and hold all things together, and that we can have great confidence that what ever happens, you are not taken by surprise. Thank you that through Christ, we have… Read more Exam time