Content with you

Heavenly Father, may we come to know you more and more. Help us to see the surpassing worth of life under your care. So often we hunger after things that are worthless or sinful, thinking that they will satisfy, only to be left starving for what is truly good. May we latch onto you and… Read more Content with you

1 Cor 13

Heavenly Father, by your Holy Spirit, please reshape us to the likeness of Christ. Lord, we cannot bring about this kind of change under our own efforts so please do what only you can do. May your Spirit work powerfully in us by your word and bear fruit in us. May we recognise the gifts… Read more 1 Cor 13

Keep shaping us

Heavenly Father, please work again to shape us by your word. As we meet together this week may you reorder our desires and priorities to reflect what you love. Help us to honestly consider ourselves and see our failings. May we gladly behold Christ Jesus who rescues us from all our sin. Give us joy… Read more Keep shaping us

Zoom catch ups

Heavenly Father, thank you for the opportunity that we have to keep meeting together despite having to be distant from each other. May these times in your word with each other be a great encouragement for us. Help us to be reminded of your goodness and mercy that we receive through Christ. Fill us with… Read more Zoom catch ups

Meeting together

Father, thank you for the opportunity we have to meet without having to be physically present. Than you for the time we had as a group, hearing your word to us. Please keep us fixing our eyes on Christ and not spiralling into our own self-centredness. Help us to keep caring for each other and… Read more Meeting together

Isaiah 59-61

Lord our God, we know our weakness and sin, it multiplies before us. We turn from you and stumble and fall in our folly. Lord, we don’t try to cloak this but instead we admit it, knowing that we are helpless and in need of you. Father, please clothe us with the garments of salvation.… Read more Isaiah 59-61