Camp preparations

Heavenly Father, I ask that mid year camp will be a time of growth and challenge. Help us to see the wonder of your character and nature, and rejoice in your works of salvation. I ask that you will give us patience and diligence as we prepare materials for the students to explore and that… Read more Camp preparations

Kingdom labour

Father, thank you that fruitfulness in people is not generated by me. Help me to keep hoping in and looking forward to the fruitfulness of your kingdom, even though I don’t know how it sprouts or have control over its growth. Keep me sowing the seed of your word and harvesting the fruit that follows.… Read more Kingdom labour

Family needs

Gracious Father, please provide our family with patience, love and self control as we bring up our children. Help us to see our own weaknesses more readily than we see those of others and quickly turn to you for forgiveness and strength. Fill our minds with the steadfast love that you faithfully pour out on… Read more Family needs

Entering exams

Heavenly Father, I ask that the students will be able to rejoice as they enter the coming exam block. When their heads are full of so many things, may they still have such a clear picture of Christ that they overflow with gratefulness and praise. May their confidence come from their worth in Christ rather… Read more Entering exams

Trickle down

Heavenly Father, I ask that your word will trickle down into our hearts and reform our actions. We have seen and heard your salvation as we have read through Romans in our Bible studies. Please let these good gospel truths sink in deep and not just be things we know (or even, things we soon… Read more Trickle down