Kids camp day 4

Heavenly Father, please help the children in this camp to see the beauty of Jesus. Please work through your word by your Spirit to transform us all, shaping us into Christ’s likeness. May the children see how good it is to be brought back into your presence, holy and blameless. May they rejoice in Jesus,… Read more Kids camp day 4

Camp day 3

Gracious Lord, please keep our heads clear as the week begins to wear us down. Remind us of the goodness of the gospel and let it sink deep into our hearts to transform every area of our life. May we tire graciously and rest well, seeking to give you glory in everything. Please keep working… Read more Camp day 3


Heavenly Father, please keep us safe as we travel. Keep us alert and sensible as we drive. Please remind us that we are travellers in this place and citizens of another. Keep our eyes set on the horizon of your kingdom, and fill our hearts with longing for it to come in all its fullness.… Read more Travellers


Heavenly Father, we need you so desperately. Please give us eyes to see this and the wisdom to bow before you, to cry out to you as our only true provider. Spare us from stupid pride that stretches up its head and says, “I can do this!” Spare us from the mindless ignorance that keeps… Read more Need

Psalm 119: he

Heavenly Father, please do your work in us. Please change us because we cannot change ourselves. Teach me and the students here at NTE your statutes, cause us to understand your law, and so transform us that our whole heart is set upon it and hangs onto it. Lead us in our blindness into the… Read more Psalm 119: he

Psalm 119: Taw

Our gracious Lord , we cry out to you with a deep need to know you, with longing to understand your word. In your word we see your majestic nature and your wonderful salvation. You are the God who saves, so please deliver us from our weakness and sin. May the students at NTE know… Read more Psalm 119: Taw

Semester 2 update

Heavenly Father, you are a holy and awesome God and we cannot stand before you in our weakness, but you have revealed yourself through your word. Through your Spirit, give us eyes to see your majesty, your grace, your salvation, and give us hearts to cling onto you in faith. Hold onto us, Lord, through… Read more Semester 2 update