Speak your word

Lord, I ask that you speak through your word for the sake of our hearts. Thank you that through it we have heard your salvation and have been redeemed from the guilt, penalty and power of sin. May we continue to drink in your gospel message, receiving it as the fountain of life that it… Read more Speak your word

Psalm 52

Gracious Lord, thank you that your steadfast love endures all the day, that it can be trusted in forever and ever! We have made you our refuge and ask that you help us to endure all things trusting firmly in your faithfulness. Please give students here at JCU the eyes to see you and fear… Read more Psalm 52

See Christ anew

Father, please give us eyes to see Christ more clearly today. Help us as we dig into your word and hear what it says to us. May it bring about in us greater love for what Christ has done for us and deeper appreciation for his majesty. May we comprehend his truth, meekness and righteousness.… Read more See Christ anew

Lift our horizon

Heavenly Father, please give us a desire to see the world come to know Jesus as Lord. His great commission brought many labourers of his harvest to our own country, and we are so thankful that we too have heard and come to believe the gospel. We ask for more labourers to work in this… Read more Lift our horizon

Rich conversations

Heavenly Father, I ask that our conversations today may be rich in the gospel. Help me to point the students at JCU to Christ and the beauty of a life that is under his loving rule. Help us to walk together as children of light, discerning what is pleasing to you in our thoughts, words… Read more Rich conversations