Fear drawing in

Almighty God, you are the great and awesome creator of all things. You are so perfect and holy that angels hide their faces from you. You are so vast in power that every atom, every galaxy is held together by your word. You are so perfect in your righteousness that a lifetime of good could… Read more Fear drawing in

Ps 130

Heavenly Father, when we see our heart truly, we realise how far short of your glory we fall, how twisted our plans can be. We sink into the dark depths of sin, walking the precipice of death. Father, all we can do is cry to you. But we come to you with confidence – we… Read more Ps 130

Staff conference

Heavenly Father, thank you for the work that you are doing throughout our country in different university campuses. Thank you for the many people who have devoted themselves to making Christ known at uni. Thank you that we have been able to meet together and hear each other’s stories and to encourage each other to… Read more Staff conference

Your glory

Heavenly Father, when you step into this world, the earth itself quakes. You are powerful and weighty, deserving of our attention, worthy of all praise. Who is like you, Lord, our maker and redeemer. You knitted us together as tiny babies and forged the largest of stars. Lord, we are sorry for the times we… Read more Your glory

Your ongoing work

Heavenly Father, thank you that you never sleep or stop but are always at work to save and sustain your people. Lord, please help us to rest in your strong arms, knowing that you have everything under control. Please help us to grown in our faith, and in so doing, grow in our joy of… Read more Your ongoing work

Your provision

Heavenly Father, thank you for your provision of skilled doctors and intricate tools. Thank you for the way that you have restored health to Harv. Lord, please bring about a full rest and recovery. Lord, thank you too, for the provision of your church family who stand alongside us in times of difficulty and provide… Read more Your provision

New creation

Heavenly father, it is so good to be made as your creatures, in your image. Every good thing that we enjoy has come from you. We were made to delight in you as our heavenly Father, yet we spurned your love and walked our paths of darkness. Lord, we grieve our sin and the brokenness… Read more New creation