The curse undone (Num 21)

Heavenly Father, thank you that right from the very beginning you had planned to undo the curse for us. Lord, we are sorry for the times we so often rebel against you and sin in the same way over and over again. We choose to listen to the serpent instead of trusting your word. But thank you, that the serpent was promised to be crushed, that the curse would be cursed, that our heart issue of sin would be dealt with for good. Please help us to trust that Christ has indeed, carried our sin in his body of flesh – that on the cross, the curse that plagued us, was crushed for good, and though we continue to wrestle with it, it is truly dealt with. May we look to him and find forgiveness and peace. May this fuel our joy, and increase our love of Christ, and may this in turn motivate us to serve him with thankfulness and joy.


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