Thanks for camp

Heavenly Father, thank you for the church camp that Tablelands Presy was able to have over the weekend. Thank you for the time spent in your word and the encouragement and training they were able to steep themselves in. Thank you that we were able cook for them and to free them up to have… Read more Thanks for camp

Church camp

Heavenly Father, thank you for the partnership in the gospel that we can have with local churches. Thank you for the way the gospel is growing and impacting people in the tablelands here. Tha k you for the church camp that Tablelands Presy is having this weekend. Please strengthen there love for each other and… Read more Church camp

Change of gears

Heavenly Father, thank you for all the interactions that we were able to have during our first few weeks of semester. Thank you that you are the one who works in people’s hearts to bring about faith and change. Please help us to keep looking to you over the rest of semester as we change… Read more Change of gears

Little ones

Heavenly Father, thank you for the little ones that you bring along to church. Please help us to welcome them in as dearly loved members of your family. Thank you that we can point them to Jesus and help them to see the great promises that we have in you. Please help them to know… Read more Little ones