Meet Jesus

Heavenly Father, we are so thankful that we know you truly through Jesus, our saviour and king. Thank you for the good news that he brings for a suffering world, news of comfort and hope. Thank you for the students we have at JCU and the opportunities that you have been bringing to us to… Read more Meet Jesus

Home with you

Heavenly Father, thank you for the wonderful creation that we see around us and your beauty that it displays. Thank you, though that you made this world as a place that we can enjoy with you. Thank you that we have a home wherever we are because we belong to you, and are loved by… Read more Home with you

Post camp

Heavenly Father, thank you for the people you brought along to Mid Year Camp. Thank you for the time spent together listening to your word and growing in our understanding of your love for us. Thank you for the beautiful place and weather, the fun times, but we especially rejoice in the knowledge of hour… Read more Post camp

MYC day 3

Heavenly Father, thank you for the time we have spent together already. Thank you for the rich conversations around your word and centred on Christ. Please help us to move and serve each other well as we reach the middle of camp. Please keep us rejoicing in the great forgiveness that we have in you… Read more MYC day 3

MYC day 1

Heavenly Father, thank you for all the students you have brought along to Mid Year Camp. Thank you for the unique opportunity that we have this week to dive deep into your word together. Thank you too that you work through your word to save us and transform us. So we ask that you will… Read more MYC day 1

Master and commander

Heavenly Father, thank you that you are bigger and greater than the depths of our sin. Thank you that the judgement of death that once threatened to swamp us forever has been taken away through Jesus, our Master and Commander. We rejoice in Christ our saviour who is mightier than the stormy sea and calmed… Read more Master and commander