Given honour

Heavenly Father, we were dead in our sins, limping through life, crippled in our ability to live out your good ways. We were alienated and opposed to you, but you sought us out, and welcomed us in. You poured out your grace on us in great abundance. Father, thank you that you have brought us… Read more Given honour

MYC prep

Heavenly Father, as the students buckle down into their exams, please help us as a staff team to prepare well for Mid Year Camp. Please help us to rightly handle the word of truth, being faithful to the text and clear for those who come along. As we work on talks and seminars please help… Read more MYC prep

Your word to kids

Heavenly Father, thank you for the children that you bring into our lives that we get to speak to about you. Thank you that all any of us need is to trust you like a little child, trusts their father. Please help us who teach these little ones to help them see your word clearly.… Read more Your word to kids