Our great king

Heavenly Father, thank you for sending Jesus as our great king. Thank you that he expresses his greatness and glory by becoming the least servant and pouring out your grace on us. Thank you that you are the God who does not stand aloof but who steps into this world with all it’s limitations and… Read more Our great king


Heavenly Father, thank you for the many encouragements that we had up at Atherton today. Thank you for the kids and youth who we were able to teach and share our lives with. Thank you for the way that you are growing them up in Christ through the faithful, ongoing witness and teaching of the… Read more Encouragements


Heavenly Father, thank you that we can join in with the Atherton church tomorrow. Please help us to give glory to you in our conversations and our moments of teaching. May we point people to the goodness of Jesus. May we be quick to see our weaknesses and even quicker to run to you for… Read more Atherton

Growing longings

Heavenly Father, you are good and have good plans for your world. You pour out mercy and grace, you wrap us up in Christ and his salvation. Through him you restore all things, and bring them under his good rule. Please help us to grow in our longings to see your plans come about. May… Read more Growing longings